Working on a project that involves many old photos from the 60’s and 70’s, I see that most of these photos are poor quality. Even if they hadn’t been thrown into boxes and stored in an attic for years, they weren’t great to begin with. I think this has much to do with the quality of the cameras used. My family didn’t have much money when I was growing up, so our cameras tended to be inexpensive and probably not the best quality.
I’m amazed at the technological improvements over the past few decades. Even throw-away cameras take good pictures, as long as the photographer isn’t attempting something too different. Most digital cameras take great photos, and special features with lighting, focus, etc. are so much more accessible. It’s a joy taking photos and seeing the image immediately! This leads to so much more experimentation. If it doesn’t work, just delete the image. Good photos could easily be prize winners. Electronic and hard copies back each other up. This is certainly an exciting time to be a scrapbooker.
Mt. Major
14 years ago
With digital, the fear is gone as well. You can snap away and just print the best photos. You can keep all of them, but print the best for scrapbooking. You don't have to worry about running out of film (batteries are another story!) or wasting film. This is the part of technology advancement that I love.