I ran into a fellow scrapbooker last week, a coworker who I don’t see often and rarely have the opportunity to chat with. Angel and I were sitting next to each other at a pizza joint while celebrating the arrival of a new employee in the department.
The subject of scrapbooking came up after I commented on the décor in the restaurant. I don’t remember the back and forth exactly but I believe Angel commented on where/how she gets ideas for her scrapbooking, i.e. in interesting places and ways. I shared with her that I’m a scrapbooker too, and we were off and running with the conversation.
What really stuck with me was the glow in Angel’s eyes as she described creating a special scrapbook for a relative, who was so thrilled she stayed up very late looking at the scrapbook. How wonderful!
This reminded me of an entire dimension of scrapbooking that I’ve lost touch with – giving. I’m always in tune with the organizational aspect and usually with the creative aspect. But I’ve been missing that one dimension that can be so meaningful.
It got me to thinking and planning. My next scrapbook will be a gift. I can hardly wait to get started. Thanks Angel, for sharing your joy!
Mt. Major
14 years ago
Giving scrapbooks is such a joy! I find that older relatives are thrilled iwth scrapbooks, because they already have all the 'stuff' they need, but really appreciate the time that goes into making the book and the memories that it invokes. Wedding scrapbooks are great for the relatives who are left by the wayside as the couple starts their life together. The other great thing about scrapbooks as gifts is that they can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.